Angels of Hope Ministries
A quick word about the wonderful new ministry here at Hope that Judy describes in the preceding article – The Angels of Hope! I’m not sure I’ve ever witnessed in all my years as a pastor a ministry that has been as powerfully and well-received as Angels of Hope! There isn’t a week that goes by when there aren’t at least two or three notes of thanks that come in from people whose lives have been deeply touched by the cards that have come to them in the mail. Over and over again they share how blessed they feel in the midst of a time in their lives when things usually aren’t going so well. Thank you, all of you, for the time you take in the sharing of God’s love in this most meaningful of ways. --Pastor Dave
Some “Angel” Statistics From Judy Harvey “We've had 100 angel requests in 2020 alone. “One member who joined the group after a death in her family just reached her "100 angels sent" milestone. Those that have been in the group from the beginning have sent out over 300 each. “I have 22 people in the committee so we figure that together we've sent out more than 3,000 angels in the past 2 years!”